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Consultations at Grand-Lancy
Podiatry Center

3 Av. des Communes-Réunies
1212 Grand-Lancy

Tram 15, Bus 22, 23, 43
Stop : Grand-Lancy Place du 1er Août

Parking available : Eglise Notre Dame des Grâces

Tel. 022 535 02 00

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday  – from 14h to18h
Wednesday and Friday – from 9h to 18h

Consultations at Onex
Onex Medical Group

3 Route de Loëx
1213 Onex

Tram 14, Bus 21, 43
Stop :
Salle Communale

Parking available :Groupe Médical d’Onex

Tel. 022 879 50 41

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday morning


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